The Rumble in the Jungle:

When I pop that clit with the oral jabs and pulverize that ass with my tongue’s uppercut, you’re going to go down for the count. That bobbing and weaving your underside was doing couldn’t prepare you for this RUMBLE IN THE JUNGLE.

That psyche of yours is doing a juggling act now. You’re embarrassed and don’t want to show your face. Don’t worry, hardly any woman that has ever walked this planet is impervious to a daring cunnilingus and assilingus combination.

Shit, Aphrodite is the Goddess of love, and even her ass will fall prey to a great mouth-on-pussy-and-ass incentive. My jaws are the backside “annihilator”, a cavern slayer.

I’ve fuck with your mind since the TKO, I know this. It’s not intentional, though. I’m not flaunting my weight around in an attempt to debase your character or disprove your worth. I wouldn’t be fit to exist if I didn’t turn you into mush or pulp through eating the pussy-and-ass trap, though.

I know the winner of a bout usually doesn’t hang out with the loser, but I’m making an exception in this case. Sit back and enjoy this mouth belting away at your pussy’s thirst bucket.

Try to duck and dodge this mouth again as its salacious rantings are smeared across your pussy’s plain. You’ll find out once more that your efforts are futile. You must assimilate to my mouth’s oral ruckus and deviant proceedings.

My tongue follows the pattern of your silhouette like a sewer does hers. I exact no shortcuts while I’m eating the pussy. (This project isn’t going to fall apart on me after I’ve finished.) I have this shit down to a fine art.

I’m bumping and grinding the pussy (Don’t forget that eager bottom.) with my mouth and tongue as I took lessons from my dick. You’re pressing your soft shell against a Nigga seductively, staring at me like a schoolgirl while doing so. You look so innocent taking my tongue to your ass and pussy even though the vivid act is done in a tumultuous manner.

Now, tell me this: how often would you like to go twelve rounds of getting your clit licked like I’m doing this bitch?!

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