Are you obsessed with me, my sweet darling?
Do you find yourself venturing here daily to consume your dose of my carnal mess?
Is the answer “Yes”?
Ah, if so I’m flattered.
What human being out there doesn’t desire to be wanted?
And speaking of desire, how is your sex life?
Have you been getting tongue-twisting action to your eager beaver?
Or, is that muff box a cell, empty because no one has committed an infraction for quite some time?
Shit, I’m a criminal, a fucking menace to society. I’m a habitual offender working on my third strike. (Wink Wink) I’m ready to inhabit that lockup with you and swap a gang of spit-on-dick, cum-on-a-stomach and anal-debri-on-a-face time with you.
Remember, I’m a diabolical nutcase that’s offering up my tongue and cheek service for your taking.
Forget the formalities; there’s no need for introductions. Your pussy and ass know my face, and my dick responds to your wanton exposure without reservation.
You know I want you, just go with the flow. Let my mouth and your pussy and ass absorb one another. Let the three become immersed in tangible delight where neither nothing nor anyone can rip the trinity asunder.
We’re bound by a devilish pact where my mouth must cater to and devour you like you’re morsels of edible waste. There is no deliverance from evil for us. Not even the blood of THE sacrificial lamb can save me. I’m bridled in a fornicating snare, one that I’m quite comfortable with.
This messy situation of sorts compels me never to cease and desist even though a judge has signed the damn order and commands me to.
I’ve found my niche smack dab in the middle of your rump, and I’m not going anywhere.
Your pussy and ass are caught in my snare.
You being caught up in me was always going to be inevitable. You could’ve only dodged me for so long.
Human nature soon takes effect. You’ve been curious most times, maybe a bit lackluster at others. But, you always find yourself drawn back to me, my bodacious mouth and steamy tongue.
Have fun!