Damn, Is That So?

Let me go on ahead and cut through this red tape: I hear a lot of brothers aren’t licking the pooh nanny, and even a greater percentage of cats don’t want to taste at the ass.

Carpe diem and the pussy and ass, I say.

You know, that leaves a lot of pussies and asses out in the rain. Don’t worry, Boo. I’m inviting you into my sanctuary, and I’m drying you off placing those wet clothes in my dryer. You don’t need attire for what we’re about to get into anyway. This is going to be a torrid love affair, the mark of a new chapter in your life.

You’re here for a reason.

Either your boyfriend/husband isn’t giving you the attention that you desperately need, or when they do throw you a bone, it isn’t much of an erotic encounter.

Basically, it sucks.

Maybe you’re being cheated on, and you want to get back at the motherfucker.

Or, you just may be single and just cruising the block window shopping. Whatever your reasoning for this visit, I’m here to arouse you and fortify this hookup. I’m here to break you free of the hang ups and strongholds you’ve created for yourself.

You’re going to have to use your beak and cut through that dull shell you’re encased in. I don’t have time to teach you the ropes if you’re not all in.

Just assume the position and let my licentious mouth get to work on you swallowing your ass perspiration and beaver extract. I’m pilfering your shit from the back hiding my face and lips in your background.

I wish I could snap a picture of your face while my muzzle is in the depths of your anal fixture, but a nigga isn’t Superman or that other cat, Captain Save a Hoe; I don’t have their supernatural abilities.

Remember, I’m the “Mouth Man”, though. And, there is no other. I vanquish your chassis and cunny patch with authority, and I’m not apologizing for bringing you into this dirty trench of libidinous. You can retreat here with me when just a regular bout won’t hit that spot. My mouth and tongue will always step up to the plate and take care of that.

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