It’s Time To Unwind:

Endless nights of exercising my tongue and throat muscles on a woman’s pussy and ass has earned me the title, “Pussy Eater of the Year”.

You know, Medical research has come to the finding that humans need and require sex just as much as food for the body. Shit, that’s a remarkable discovery. I’ve always wondered why I’ve craved the crazed making-out sessions insatiably. It’s wired in my DNA.

Now, my dear, what are you going to do about those carnal cravings that are buried in your crotch? Let me give you a little hint: get that pussy and ass ransacked chaotically with this tongue and other oral devices. I’m here for you. I want to slaughter that pussy and ass flesh like they are hogs being led to their demise.

I’m just saying: I’m a beast of epic proportions. I pull out all the stops for this pussy and ass foray. Your pussy and ass won’t know what hit them.

A double dipping of tongue in your ass from your pussy, and just like that, the incursion is over; you’ve been conquered.

Don’t worry; I’m not going to pillage your village now and take prisoners. I only want you. I’m only here to subdue your sexual possessions. Now that I’ve plucked you from your village, we’re embarking on a perilous journey. I’m here to activate your uninhibited nature. Underneath that hardened shell there’s a dick-in-the-ass, dick-in-the-mouth and cum-spillage-from-the-throat woman that’s waiting to present herself.

Yes, I know I ate out your snatch box and made you cum from my snarling face, but I want your mouth engaging my genitalia now. I want your throat absorbing my penis and slobbering on me.

This is a dirty little game we’re playing where only the most filthy individual comes out of this intact. Always remember that this is the sex game. Only lascivious mouths and tongues scraping at lovers’ nether regions is up for talk today.

I’m here for you to squander your pussy and ass to my mouth and tongue. You do the same with your lecherous throat. It’s so disgusting!

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